By Rodney Kirkpatrick
September 1, 2019
Hebrews 13:10-14 NASB
We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat. [11] For the bodies of those animals whose blood is brought into the holy place by the high priest as an offering for sin, are burned outside the camp. [12] Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people through His own blood, suffered outside the gate. [13] So, let us go out to Him outside the camp, bearing His reproach. [14] For here we do not have a lasting city, but we are seeking the city which is to come.
The Early Church faced quite a dilemma as they tried to walk out their new found faith. On the one hand they had encountered the true Messiah, Jesus, & learned that faith in Him connected them in an intimate & personal way to the awesome, reverence inspiring God they were told of on Mt. Sinai. On the other hand, not everyone wanted to accept Christ & they saw His manner and administration as a real threat to their way of life. So sharp was the division, that the question New Christians faced was, “Is it worth the reproach of my family and friends, in some cases the rejection of my entire community, to walk the path that Jesus wants?” A very uncomfortable position to be in, to say the least.
Trina and I made the decision 13 years ago to leave the USA and live on a permanent basis in South Africa. It was an exciting time, but this quickly gave way to challenges that were far greater than we initially anticipated. Finances were very tight and it was stressful to consistently struggle for each month’s provision. While I spent a good deal of time travelling and meeting with the pastors that we came to serve, Trina and Bridget, our youngest daughter, had a difficult time adapting socially and felt very lonely. It was at times excruciating to sense their despair and not have any immediate means to change our circumstances.
Throughout all the difficulty during that first year, it was amazing that there wasn’t really any serious consideration to abandon what we were doing. What kept us on track was a vision for something beyond our immediate circumstances, a clear sense of “the city which is to come” spoken of in Hebrews 13. Having prayed for years prior to leaving our life in America, we knew that The Lord had told us to enter this challenge and that He didn’t say that it would always be easy.
As our time in South Africa has progressed, we have seen God establish our life and ministry beyond anything we could have hoped. Please understand at the beginning of exploring these experiences, that the dichotomy of faith and fleshly comfort has presented itself throughout our work in Africa. Almost every time we have seen The Lord do significant things, it was preceded by a choice to step toward what He was saying through some form of natural resistance. The tendency for Christians to “camp” in a familiar place will often come at the expense of His purpose to reach the world and we ALL must be mindful of this trap!
Recently, Trina and I have been confronted with the same dilemma on a larger scale than an ordinary ministry venture. We believe that The Lord has asked us to leave our residence in Durban, South Africa and plan to base our work from the UK. There is no aspect to this decision that is easy for us, but God has proven to be utterly faithful in situations like this in the past. Hopefully, if you follow this testimony on the new website, it will encourage your faith walk and give you an outline to pray for us in our transition!
Comments 14
Yes, Rodney and Trina I am encouraged! You have walked out His calling with His enduring Spirit of Life! It’s so true that we can miss the joy of His design in our lives by choosing what may be comfortable. I love though that His persistence to redirect or enhance revelation in us, never wains and is always seeded in Love!
Dearest Cousin/Brother Hollis! So great to hear from you and really hope to speak to you face to face in the coming time in DFW!
Blessings from Dubai!
Prayers for you two. The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord. Sooooooo… you got this!!! Hear His voice then move. Hear His voice then move… Jesus did what He heard His Father say do. My sheep hear my voice…..So hear Him and move. We love you!!! Cindy Sharp
Wow do we love you too! We can’t wait to see you in the flesh!
Blessings from Dubai!
Dear Rodney, I pray that the Lord will continue to see you and your family through as He has always done through His faithfulness. – from Curitiba, Brazil.
Newton it is great to hear from you! While it has been some time since we’ve seen you in Curitiba, I really hope we see you again soon!
Suzy and I are so excited about what God has in store for you both and the UK! We love and believe in you both. We have your back in prayer.
You have more responsibility than prayer, sir! We have to get the Spirit falling over there!
God’s blessings to you both, Rodney and Trina.
It has been great getting to know you both here in our little growing town. May your time in Africa have prepared you as a lion and lioness to experience the walk our God has for you as you go out and along your trail. Your footprints have been left here on our sunny sandy shores, may they be left where ever you go for others to ponder and follow or seek their trails. Our God and all who hear, may there be light; by the fruit of your lips and as shepherds of God’s work beyond the city gates. Love you both, miss you from Salty O’s
Love and Blessings to our Sister!
Rodney & Trina, although we already miss you we are excited by what our Lord has in mind for you in this next venture. We saw how He extended your borders in sub-Sahara Africa beyond anything one could have imagined. This was kindergarten preparedness for next level work!
Love you guys a lot!
We really need to pray that we act on the new found faith God grew while we were in Africa!
You and Trina have been an inspiration to us and will continue to be so.
Well The Lord has put us with some pretty amazing people!