BLOG Gad and the year of the warrior February 4, 2025 As we pray and seek Jesus for direction at the beginning of 2025, there is an interesting prophecy in... Giving thanks & being thankful November 28, 2024 The people that discipled me, especially Robert F Terrell, made James 1:2-4 NASB95 an unforgettable part of my training: Consider... Possessed by God November 25, 2024 It is difficult to overestimate the influence of culture on the way that a person approaches a subject. Western... Looking back before moving forward November 23, 2024 Let's review some of this scripture: 1 Peter 2:9-10 NASB But you are a CHOSEN RACE, A royal priesthood, A holy... Six Months of England and Europe in Pictures October 31, 2024 The collage above is from our time in The Netherlands. Windmills and Tulips mark Keukenhof, an incredible outdoor garden... A Holy Nation October 26, 2024 The God of The Bible is holy. This fundamental trait permeates everything associated with our Lord and it characterizes... Truth in a world filled with lies September 14, 2024 Do you ever find yourself asking the question of whether or not a seemingly objective statement is true? Trina... Royalty and Relationships July 25, 2024 While there are significant overlaps in the practices of many western nations, unlike The USA, The UK & much... God has chosen Israel & The Church June 28, 2024 Natural Israel The God of scripture has always had a chosen people to accomplish His purpose on earth. From... England thus far May 31, 2024 Trina and I arrived in The UK on April 1 with a plan to spend time with people that... Shut the door in '24: Spirit over mind May 3, 2024 A common phrase in western culture is “mind over matter.” Its history originates from evolutionary biology but it has... Shut the door in '24: Abba Father February 17, 2024 The reality of the spiritual world In the most recent blog, Is Self a God for You? (click here to... Shut the door in '24: Is Self a God for you? January 26, 2024 Trina and I always seek The Lord at the beginning of the calendar year to try and understand what... Europe on our minds December 13, 2023 After traveling for the second time to Europe this year, Trina and I are getting ready to move there... Two stones in Texas: Believing in Him October 28, 2023 Jesus is presented as a paradox in 1 Peter 2:6-8 NASB: For this is contained in Scripture: "Behold, I LAY... Kindness, Growth & Africa September 23, 2023 It is a glorious thing when someone comes to faith in Jesus. Luke 15:3-7 NASB95 tells us, So He told... Back to England May 25, 2023 Trina and I have just shaken off the jet lag from a month-long trip to England and Scotland during... Are you afraid of big brother? May 23, 2023 The phrase "big brother" sparks different ideas depending on where we find ourselves in life. Some might think... The Hope found in Christ March 18, 2023 Trina and I recently traveled to several Southeast Texas towns on a ministry trip. While the main purpose of... Three Sermons for the first part of 2022 March 31, 2022 Everywhere that Trina and I go, we end up talking about Christ has chosen us and not rejected us!... People of note in Plymouth! March 29, 2022 Trina and I loved our visit to Plymouth in the fall of 2021 last year in large part because... A surprise in (new) England November 28, 2021 Trina and I travelled to Plymouth, Massachusetts in early October and returned with a specific spiritual impression about New... A 3-D view of Jesus & The Leper April 15, 2021 Mark 1:40-42 NASB And a leper came to Jesus, beseeching Him and falling on his knees before Him, and saying,... A Shepherd, The UK & 2021 December 31, 2020 This time of year is tailor made for reflection, especially concerning our impacting relationships. We recently talked about how... The gifts we are given November 26, 2020 This holiday season is a real milestone for Trina and I because we have been present in The USA... Lebron, The Police, & healing hearts October 30, 2020 Our calling through IRC (International Restoration Commission) Ministries contains two sides. On the one hand we have always had... George Floyd: Breaking a terrible cycle August 5, 2020 Romans 12:14-21 NASB Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and... George Floyd: Is everyone missing it from the start? June 26, 2020 Romans 12:14-21 NASB Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and... A New Vision for California May 8, 2020 A different approach Ephesians 6:12 NASB For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the... Selfishness and Refugees January 28, 2020 By Rodney Kirkpatrick Philippians 2:5-11 NASB Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He... A Baptist, a pentacostal, and an...Anglican January 3, 2020 By Rodney Kirkpatrick 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10 NASB Now as to the love of the brethren, you have no need for anyone... Fear and Purpose (Zulu & English) December 8, 2019 Trina & the team December 1, 2019 By Rodney and Trina Kirkpatrick December 2019 Proverbs 22:6 NASB Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when... Considering Redemption November 8, 2019 Trina and Children October 31, 2019 By Rodney & Trina Kirkpatrick Psalm 127:3-5 NASB Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb... A discussion on Grace October 17, 2019 These ladies are not afraid to speak up! Maintaining Hope October 8, 2019 The Ballito Men’s Breakfast: A Case for Spiritual Unity October 1, 2019 October 1, 2019 By Rodney Kirkpatrick Psalm 133:1-3 NASB Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together... Comfort in South Africa August 28, 2019 By Rodney Kirkpatrick September 1, 2019 Hebrews 13:10-14 NASB We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no... When God disturbs His people August 18, 2019 Be open to change when God brings it Are you thinking or are you praying? August 15, 2019 Smart people can be confused Repentance Today January 22, 2019 Some Thoughts as we enter 2019 Blessings in Christ! Rodney Preaching Jesus to Hindus August 17, 2018 Inspired by old friends to The Church Trina and I first met Steven and Primy Frank just over ten years... Long Term Relationships in Cape Town August 3, 2018 Comings and goings with IRC Ministries 26 July 2018 On a recent ministry trip to the Southern Cape, an area four hours... Developing Congolese Leaders May 28, 2018 The work we did in April and May was a good picture of just how diverse Trina and I's... Being Light: The Christian Responsibility May 20, 2018 Jesus presented one of the most fundamental mandates to the Church in Matthew 5:14-16 (NASB) which says, 14 “You are... Airlines, Excuses And Grace May 20, 2018 I have been a somewhat frequent air traveler to many different parts of the world over the last fifteen... A Vicious Circle In The American Church May 20, 2018 It is safe to say that our role in serving the Church has evolved over the years that we... A Divine Inspiration To Praise May 20, 2018 James 1:2-4 (NASB) “2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing... 22 February 2018 March 6, 2018 Mark 10:29-30 NASB Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, there isno one who has left house or brothers... Prioritizing God's Presence March 6, 2018 Psalm 68:8 NASB The earth quaked; The heavens also dropped rain at the presence of God; Sinai itself quaked at... Considering the Zulu Nation and the Gospel of Jesus January 5, 2018 In the book of Galatians, the Apostle Paul makes two of the toughest statements in the entire New Testament: Galatians... December 2017 January 5, 2018 December in South Africa is the time when Spring ends and Summer begins. Unlike other parts of South Africa... November 2017 November 24, 2017 What value is there in a certificate? To some it is a simple encouragement to continue on but to... Helping the Servant Leaders in the Indian Church of KwaZulu-Natal November 24, 2017 One of the most fascinating aspects to our mission is the support we provide to the Indian community in... October 2017 October 25, 2017 Hello to all our friends and family around the world! Rodney is making me write a little as a... A story of discipleship, Our journey with the Congolese in Durban October 25, 2017 One of the most difficult parts of Christian Ministry is the process of making disciples. You begin by either... Working with pastors in Africa August 2, 2016 Trina and I recently finished a leadership meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe that we have participated in for the last... Renewed and Ready July 14, 2016 The winter months, June through August, in the Southern Hemisphere, are traditionally very busy times in our ministry. For... Zimbabwe Projects February 11, 2016 Zimbabwe has become our second home on the continent of Africa. We love the Body of Christ in this... A visiting Evangelist February 11, 2016 We closed 2015 with a very special treat for Trina and I. Pastors Toby and Suzy Ratcliff from New... Our understanding of Team Ministry August 17, 2015 Romans 12:3-5 (NASB) 3 For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to... Water in Zimbabwe August 14, 2015 Psalm 114:7-8 (NASB) 7 Tremble, O earth, before the Lord, Before the God of Jacob, 8 Who turned the... Starting the new by reviewing January 28, 2015 My first thought in retrospect concerning 2014 is: "Where did it go?" I know that it is common to... Leaders in Capetown and Zululand November 1, 2014 Matthew 28:18-20 (NASB) speaks to us of one of the most fundamental purposes in Christianity, 18 And Jesus came up and... Zimbabwe August 18, 2014 Trina and I have just returned from Harare, Zimbabwe where we co-host a Southern Africa leadership conference. This is... Cars and Kids in South Africa July 19, 2014 My goodness how the time has flown as we pass the half way point of 2014! We have two... Our Mission and God's Provision May 12, 2014 We are finally back in South Africa after spending most of the first three months of the year in... As Thanksgiving approaches November 28, 2013 The Lord has dropped in my heart some perspective as we are approaching the traditional time of the Thanksgiving... To Capetown and back November 6, 2013 The Western Cape Provence of South Africa was our first destination in this country thirteen years ago. Many of... A Busy October October 1, 2013 Trina and I have spent much of September settling into the new house and planning our upcoming schedule. We... Moving Time August 30, 2013 We are all moved in! There is always a mixture of dread and excitement when moving. The dread comes with... To the USA and back again August 12, 2013 Trina and I have adjusted back to life in South Africa after a two month trip back to the... Hearing God Workshop April 22, 2013 We did a work shop on hearing God this past weekend at All Souls Umhlali. During the morning we... February 25, 2013 March 1, 2013 We have just finished a trip to the northern Drakensburg area in our home state of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. ... Anelisa's Smile February 25, 2013 On one of our trips to Wellington we got to know a beautiful lady with a huge heart. Karmien Joubert... Trip to UK December 5, 2012 We have just returned from visiting several different parts of the Body of Christ in England. Our burden for... Zimbabwe and Drakensberg 2012 November 6, 2012 We have just finished two weeks working in Harare,Zimbabwe and the Drakensberg mountain area of South Africa. We attend... Zimbabwe 2012 August 14, 2012 We just returned from eight days in Zimbabwe. The pastors conference went very well. The time in Zimbabwe was... Mozambique Mission July 11, 2012 July 1, 2012 We have just completed a very intense period of ministry in South Africa and Mozambique. We spent... Mozambique 2012 June 8, 2012 Maputo, Mozambique Have you ever been in the presence of someone that you knew was "Great" in the... Blessings in Africa June 4, 2012 ZachariahHello my name in Zac, I live at Hearts that Hope. My name means "the Lord Remembers" I was... Family Milestones June 4, 2012 Our three beautiful grandchildren. Our son We wanted to take the opportunity to brag a little on our family. In December... May 2, 2012 June 4, 2012 May 2012 Some of our good friends, Lijo and Bindu,with Bridget in London We are entering a very busy time in... April 21, 2012 March 29, 2012 We have returned to South Africa after a three month visit to the USA where we had... November 30, 2011 January 11, 2012 Pastors from the Phoenix area of Durban, SA gathered for Praise and Worship I recently spent... Memories November 12, 2011 Memories come in many forms. Some things we truly remember and other things are psudo memories, the kind we... A Tribute October 30, 2011 A beautiful tribute to a beautiful princess. Today we celebrate life in many ways. We celebrate with birthdays, holidays, anniversaries... Kwa Mama Care Center September 12, 2011 Last week several ladies got together to help our friend, Liezel Essop, paint a local creche.The Kwa Mama Care Center... August 29, 2011 September 12, 2011 August 29, 2011 We have recently returned from an annual leadership meeting in the Cape Town area of South Africa.... Some of the rocks of Zimbabwe August 16, 2011 In the month of July we had our good friend Pastor Jose Arimathea Cavalcanti from Brazil with us in... July 11, 2011 August 8, 2011 July 11, 2011 We have just come back from twenty days in several Brazilian cities. Our primary focus in this... June 7, 2011 July 10, 2011 The Brothers and Sisters of Turning Point Church in Paarl East We've just returned from a triumphant trip to the... May 3, 2011 June 6, 2011 Our friends Bruce and Lil Dickson of Salt Rock, SA One of the things that is difficult... March 29, 2011 IRC Ministry News May 6, 2011 March 29, 2011 A local spiritist cult who conducts their worship only outdoors For several years now we have conducted... March 14, 2011 IRC Ministries News April 5, 2011 March 14, 2011 Pastor David Banza of Harare, Zimbabwe visiting us in Durban SA Today I spent most of the... Baby Dedication March 22, 2011 Momma T, Sylvie, babies Raphael & Trina There are many things we can do to make a good life for... February 28, 2011 IRC Ministry News March 15, 2011 February 28, 2011 A nice set of Giraffe at Hluhluwe Park near us. We certainly consider it to be... IRC News Februray 9, 2011 March 15, 2011 February 9, 2011 Recent Ministry with Mission Fellowship near Sao Paulo, Brazil What an awesome close to 2010 with our time... A visit from family. February 27, 2011 We were blessed to have my nephew Jeron and his girlfriend Hannah with us for two weeks in February.... Twins! February 27, 2011 When we left South Africa in November we were expecting to return well before the February due date of... Groutville Orphans February 25, 2011 We had the opportunity this month to spend an afternoon with a group of 145 orphans at a Groutville... Farewell to Nika February 25, 2011 Nika was our three year old rust colored Rhodesian ridge back. She was a great companion and amazing protector... Christmas in Texas and Alaska January 15, 2011 We were very blessed to spend Christmas in Texas this past December. Our son Anthony and his wife Nattasha ... November 2010 IRC Ministry update December 17, 2010 December 2, 2010 We are just over half way through our time in Brazil and it has been fantastic. Revelation... Bridget's 14th Birthday November 28, 2010 We had a great time celebrating Bridget's Birthday both in South Africa and in Brazil. Fourteen years ago who would... IRC News Update, November 2, 2010 November 22, 2010 November 2, 2010 A young man gives his heart to Christ at Point Road Recently we concluded a four day conference... IRC News update for October 25, 2010 November 2, 2010 October 25, 2010 Preaching with Emmanuel Kittay of Gilgal Assembly in Durban, SA As many of you know we often... August 23, 2010 September 27, 2010 August 23, 2010 One of the primary aspects of our ministry is to "come along side" churches and ministries,... July 2010 News August 25, 2010 Rodney praying for the poor and oppressed in Kampala UgandaPsalms 23:5 (NASB)5 You prepare a table before me in... World Cup 2010 July 19, 2010 Holland - V - Slovakia We had a great time watching all the goings on of the World Cup. Rodney even... June IRC update July 19, 2010 June 21, 2010We have had a very fruitful time of ministry upon returning to South Africa from being in... Gifts of Love June 30, 2010 The Congolese brothers and sisters here in Etete were very blessed with the Proclaimer in Lingala, their mother language. A... Back in Africa May 25, 2010 We had a great time visiting our friends and family in the US. March 13th was our oldest son's... March 5, 2010 April 25, 2010 It has been a busy start to this year with our ministry work in Durban and the greater Natal... A call to action! March 4, 2010 February 25, 2009Pictured to the right is a typical advertisement for a witch doctor/spiritualist in the greater Durban area... Drakensberg Zulu Conference February 22, 2010 We have just returned home from three days of teaching in a rural Zulu community. This village is at... Pastor's Paul and Kumari Murugen of the Church of Philadelphia February 5, 2010 We've just finished doing a four night revival session in the Indian area of Durban called Phoenix. We were... Pastor John Mkhulise's Wedding January 22, 2010 January 5, 2009Between Christmas and the new year we had the privilege of sharing at the wedding of brother... Happy Birthday Trina December 30, 2009 December 19th was my birthday. Forty has mistakenly been called the "Over the Hill" age but I intend to live to be... 2009 Recap December 20, 2009 December 11, 2009Greetings to all our friends and family in Christ Jesus! We can hardly believe that 2009 is... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year December 20, 2009 We just wanted to send a note to remind you all of how much you are loved and... Pastor's Rogers and Cookie Narainasami in Phoenix, SA December 18, 2009 December 7, 2009 Ministering to the Indian community in South Africa is a small but important part of our work.... Tete November 29, 2009 The Saturday morning bible study in Tete is going very well. We are averaging around 15 people the majority... Entuthukwent Creche November 14, 2009 Meet the children at Entuthukwent Creche and Preschool. We spent a fun morning with Angel and her children. They... Bridget's 13th Birthday November 14, 2009 Bridget's 13th birthday was celebrated this weekend with a swim party. Last year we were visiting family in America... Democratic Republic of Congo November 12, 2009 November 2, 2009 Revelation 2:8-9 (NASB) 8 "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the... October 30, 2009 Rodney is home from Congo. The worship was lively and the Christians are on fire for the Lord. The... Time with my sister Letha October 22, 2009 It has been great to have my sister here with us these last three months. We had a... Crèches left stranded - Zululand Observer October 19, 2009 Here is the link to the story I have been telling you about the children in Monzi that we... I Survived Umphalosi October 13, 2009 How close have you been to an elephant, a hyena or a pride of lions? Is there such... Men's Retreat to Umfolozi October 9, 2009 I dropped Rodney off at Life 316 Church this morning for a fun filled weekend at the bush camp... September 26, 2009 September 26, 2009 We've just finished a great trip to many different areas of South Africa. What can we say... September 5, 2009 September 19, 2009 We've finished the first leg of our current trip in South Africa. Our first stop was in a remote...
Gad and the year of the warrior February 4, 2025 As we pray and seek Jesus for direction at the beginning of 2025, there is an interesting prophecy in... Giving thanks & being thankful November 28, 2024 The people that discipled me, especially Robert F Terrell, made James 1:2-4 NASB95 an unforgettable part of my training: Consider... Possessed by God November 25, 2024 It is difficult to overestimate the influence of culture on the way that a person approaches a subject. Western... Looking back before moving forward November 23, 2024 Let's review some of this scripture: 1 Peter 2:9-10 NASB But you are a CHOSEN RACE, A royal priesthood, A holy... Six Months of England and Europe in Pictures October 31, 2024 The collage above is from our time in The Netherlands. Windmills and Tulips mark Keukenhof, an incredible outdoor garden... A Holy Nation October 26, 2024 The God of The Bible is holy. This fundamental trait permeates everything associated with our Lord and it characterizes... Truth in a world filled with lies September 14, 2024 Do you ever find yourself asking the question of whether or not a seemingly objective statement is true? Trina... Royalty and Relationships July 25, 2024 While there are significant overlaps in the practices of many western nations, unlike The USA, The UK & much... God has chosen Israel & The Church June 28, 2024 Natural Israel The God of scripture has always had a chosen people to accomplish His purpose on earth. From... England thus far May 31, 2024 Trina and I arrived in The UK on April 1 with a plan to spend time with people that... Shut the door in '24: Spirit over mind May 3, 2024 A common phrase in western culture is “mind over matter.” Its history originates from evolutionary biology but it has... Shut the door in '24: Abba Father February 17, 2024 The reality of the spiritual world In the most recent blog, Is Self a God for You? (click here to... Shut the door in '24: Is Self a God for you? January 26, 2024 Trina and I always seek The Lord at the beginning of the calendar year to try and understand what... Europe on our minds December 13, 2023 After traveling for the second time to Europe this year, Trina and I are getting ready to move there... Two stones in Texas: Believing in Him October 28, 2023 Jesus is presented as a paradox in 1 Peter 2:6-8 NASB: For this is contained in Scripture: "Behold, I LAY... Kindness, Growth & Africa September 23, 2023 It is a glorious thing when someone comes to faith in Jesus. Luke 15:3-7 NASB95 tells us, So He told... Back to England May 25, 2023 Trina and I have just shaken off the jet lag from a month-long trip to England and Scotland during... Are you afraid of big brother? May 23, 2023 The phrase "big brother" sparks different ideas depending on where we find ourselves in life. Some might think... The Hope found in Christ March 18, 2023 Trina and I recently traveled to several Southeast Texas towns on a ministry trip. While the main purpose of... Three Sermons for the first part of 2022 March 31, 2022 Everywhere that Trina and I go, we end up talking about Christ has chosen us and not rejected us!... People of note in Plymouth! March 29, 2022 Trina and I loved our visit to Plymouth in the fall of 2021 last year in large part because... A surprise in (new) England November 28, 2021 Trina and I travelled to Plymouth, Massachusetts in early October and returned with a specific spiritual impression about New... A 3-D view of Jesus & The Leper April 15, 2021 Mark 1:40-42 NASB And a leper came to Jesus, beseeching Him and falling on his knees before Him, and saying,... A Shepherd, The UK & 2021 December 31, 2020 This time of year is tailor made for reflection, especially concerning our impacting relationships. We recently talked about how... The gifts we are given November 26, 2020 This holiday season is a real milestone for Trina and I because we have been present in The USA... Lebron, The Police, & healing hearts October 30, 2020 Our calling through IRC (International Restoration Commission) Ministries contains two sides. On the one hand we have always had... George Floyd: Breaking a terrible cycle August 5, 2020 Romans 12:14-21 NASB Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and... George Floyd: Is everyone missing it from the start? June 26, 2020 Romans 12:14-21 NASB Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and... A New Vision for California May 8, 2020 A different approach Ephesians 6:12 NASB For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the... Selfishness and Refugees January 28, 2020 By Rodney Kirkpatrick Philippians 2:5-11 NASB Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He... A Baptist, a pentacostal, and an...Anglican January 3, 2020 By Rodney Kirkpatrick 1 Thessalonians 4:9-10 NASB Now as to the love of the brethren, you have no need for anyone... Fear and Purpose (Zulu & English) December 8, 2019 Trina & the team December 1, 2019 By Rodney and Trina Kirkpatrick December 2019 Proverbs 22:6 NASB Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when... Considering Redemption November 8, 2019 Trina and Children October 31, 2019 By Rodney & Trina Kirkpatrick Psalm 127:3-5 NASB Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, The fruit of the womb... A discussion on Grace October 17, 2019 These ladies are not afraid to speak up! Maintaining Hope October 8, 2019 The Ballito Men’s Breakfast: A Case for Spiritual Unity October 1, 2019 October 1, 2019 By Rodney Kirkpatrick Psalm 133:1-3 NASB Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brothers to dwell together... Comfort in South Africa August 28, 2019 By Rodney Kirkpatrick September 1, 2019 Hebrews 13:10-14 NASB We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no... When God disturbs His people August 18, 2019 Be open to change when God brings it Are you thinking or are you praying? August 15, 2019 Smart people can be confused Repentance Today January 22, 2019 Some Thoughts as we enter 2019 Blessings in Christ! Rodney Preaching Jesus to Hindus August 17, 2018 Inspired by old friends to The Church Trina and I first met Steven and Primy Frank just over ten years... Long Term Relationships in Cape Town August 3, 2018 Comings and goings with IRC Ministries 26 July 2018 On a recent ministry trip to the Southern Cape, an area four hours... Developing Congolese Leaders May 28, 2018 The work we did in April and May was a good picture of just how diverse Trina and I's... Being Light: The Christian Responsibility May 20, 2018 Jesus presented one of the most fundamental mandates to the Church in Matthew 5:14-16 (NASB) which says, 14 “You are... Airlines, Excuses And Grace May 20, 2018 I have been a somewhat frequent air traveler to many different parts of the world over the last fifteen... A Vicious Circle In The American Church May 20, 2018 It is safe to say that our role in serving the Church has evolved over the years that we... A Divine Inspiration To Praise May 20, 2018 James 1:2-4 (NASB) “2 Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing... 22 February 2018 March 6, 2018 Mark 10:29-30 NASB Jesus said, "Truly I say to you, there isno one who has left house or brothers... Prioritizing God's Presence March 6, 2018 Psalm 68:8 NASB The earth quaked; The heavens also dropped rain at the presence of God; Sinai itself quaked at... Considering the Zulu Nation and the Gospel of Jesus January 5, 2018 In the book of Galatians, the Apostle Paul makes two of the toughest statements in the entire New Testament: Galatians... December 2017 January 5, 2018 December in South Africa is the time when Spring ends and Summer begins. Unlike other parts of South Africa... November 2017 November 24, 2017 What value is there in a certificate? To some it is a simple encouragement to continue on but to... Helping the Servant Leaders in the Indian Church of KwaZulu-Natal November 24, 2017 One of the most fascinating aspects to our mission is the support we provide to the Indian community in... October 2017 October 25, 2017 Hello to all our friends and family around the world! Rodney is making me write a little as a... A story of discipleship, Our journey with the Congolese in Durban October 25, 2017 One of the most difficult parts of Christian Ministry is the process of making disciples. You begin by either... Working with pastors in Africa August 2, 2016 Trina and I recently finished a leadership meeting in Harare, Zimbabwe that we have participated in for the last... Renewed and Ready July 14, 2016 The winter months, June through August, in the Southern Hemisphere, are traditionally very busy times in our ministry. For... Zimbabwe Projects February 11, 2016 Zimbabwe has become our second home on the continent of Africa. We love the Body of Christ in this... A visiting Evangelist February 11, 2016 We closed 2015 with a very special treat for Trina and I. Pastors Toby and Suzy Ratcliff from New... Our understanding of Team Ministry August 17, 2015 Romans 12:3-5 (NASB) 3 For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to... Water in Zimbabwe August 14, 2015 Psalm 114:7-8 (NASB) 7 Tremble, O earth, before the Lord, Before the God of Jacob, 8 Who turned the... Starting the new by reviewing January 28, 2015 My first thought in retrospect concerning 2014 is: "Where did it go?" I know that it is common to... Leaders in Capetown and Zululand November 1, 2014 Matthew 28:18-20 (NASB) speaks to us of one of the most fundamental purposes in Christianity, 18 And Jesus came up and... Zimbabwe August 18, 2014 Trina and I have just returned from Harare, Zimbabwe where we co-host a Southern Africa leadership conference. This is... Cars and Kids in South Africa July 19, 2014 My goodness how the time has flown as we pass the half way point of 2014! We have two... Our Mission and God's Provision May 12, 2014 We are finally back in South Africa after spending most of the first three months of the year in... As Thanksgiving approaches November 28, 2013 The Lord has dropped in my heart some perspective as we are approaching the traditional time of the Thanksgiving... To Capetown and back November 6, 2013 The Western Cape Provence of South Africa was our first destination in this country thirteen years ago. Many of... A Busy October October 1, 2013 Trina and I have spent much of September settling into the new house and planning our upcoming schedule. We... Moving Time August 30, 2013 We are all moved in! There is always a mixture of dread and excitement when moving. The dread comes with... To the USA and back again August 12, 2013 Trina and I have adjusted back to life in South Africa after a two month trip back to the... Hearing God Workshop April 22, 2013 We did a work shop on hearing God this past weekend at All Souls Umhlali. During the morning we... February 25, 2013 March 1, 2013 We have just finished a trip to the northern Drakensburg area in our home state of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. ... Anelisa's Smile February 25, 2013 On one of our trips to Wellington we got to know a beautiful lady with a huge heart. Karmien Joubert... Trip to UK December 5, 2012 We have just returned from visiting several different parts of the Body of Christ in England. Our burden for... Zimbabwe and Drakensberg 2012 November 6, 2012 We have just finished two weeks working in Harare,Zimbabwe and the Drakensberg mountain area of South Africa. We attend... Zimbabwe 2012 August 14, 2012 We just returned from eight days in Zimbabwe. The pastors conference went very well. The time in Zimbabwe was... Mozambique Mission July 11, 2012 July 1, 2012 We have just completed a very intense period of ministry in South Africa and Mozambique. We spent... Mozambique 2012 June 8, 2012 Maputo, Mozambique Have you ever been in the presence of someone that you knew was "Great" in the... Blessings in Africa June 4, 2012 ZachariahHello my name in Zac, I live at Hearts that Hope. My name means "the Lord Remembers" I was... Family Milestones June 4, 2012 Our three beautiful grandchildren. Our son We wanted to take the opportunity to brag a little on our family. In December... May 2, 2012 June 4, 2012 May 2012 Some of our good friends, Lijo and Bindu,with Bridget in London We are entering a very busy time in... April 21, 2012 March 29, 2012 We have returned to South Africa after a three month visit to the USA where we had... November 30, 2011 January 11, 2012 Pastors from the Phoenix area of Durban, SA gathered for Praise and Worship I recently spent... Memories November 12, 2011 Memories come in many forms. Some things we truly remember and other things are psudo memories, the kind we... A Tribute October 30, 2011 A beautiful tribute to a beautiful princess. Today we celebrate life in many ways. We celebrate with birthdays, holidays, anniversaries... Kwa Mama Care Center September 12, 2011 Last week several ladies got together to help our friend, Liezel Essop, paint a local creche.The Kwa Mama Care Center... August 29, 2011 September 12, 2011 August 29, 2011 We have recently returned from an annual leadership meeting in the Cape Town area of South Africa.... Some of the rocks of Zimbabwe August 16, 2011 In the month of July we had our good friend Pastor Jose Arimathea Cavalcanti from Brazil with us in... July 11, 2011 August 8, 2011 July 11, 2011 We have just come back from twenty days in several Brazilian cities. Our primary focus in this... June 7, 2011 July 10, 2011 The Brothers and Sisters of Turning Point Church in Paarl East We've just returned from a triumphant trip to the... May 3, 2011 June 6, 2011 Our friends Bruce and Lil Dickson of Salt Rock, SA One of the things that is difficult... March 29, 2011 IRC Ministry News May 6, 2011 March 29, 2011 A local spiritist cult who conducts their worship only outdoors For several years now we have conducted... March 14, 2011 IRC Ministries News April 5, 2011 March 14, 2011 Pastor David Banza of Harare, Zimbabwe visiting us in Durban SA Today I spent most of the... Baby Dedication March 22, 2011 Momma T, Sylvie, babies Raphael & Trina There are many things we can do to make a good life for... February 28, 2011 IRC Ministry News March 15, 2011 February 28, 2011 A nice set of Giraffe at Hluhluwe Park near us. We certainly consider it to be... IRC News Februray 9, 2011 March 15, 2011 February 9, 2011 Recent Ministry with Mission Fellowship near Sao Paulo, Brazil What an awesome close to 2010 with our time... A visit from family. February 27, 2011 We were blessed to have my nephew Jeron and his girlfriend Hannah with us for two weeks in February.... Twins! February 27, 2011 When we left South Africa in November we were expecting to return well before the February due date of... Groutville Orphans February 25, 2011 We had the opportunity this month to spend an afternoon with a group of 145 orphans at a Groutville... Farewell to Nika February 25, 2011 Nika was our three year old rust colored Rhodesian ridge back. She was a great companion and amazing protector... Christmas in Texas and Alaska January 15, 2011 We were very blessed to spend Christmas in Texas this past December. Our son Anthony and his wife Nattasha ... November 2010 IRC Ministry update December 17, 2010 December 2, 2010 We are just over half way through our time in Brazil and it has been fantastic. Revelation... Bridget's 14th Birthday November 28, 2010 We had a great time celebrating Bridget's Birthday both in South Africa and in Brazil. Fourteen years ago who would... IRC News Update, November 2, 2010 November 22, 2010 November 2, 2010 A young man gives his heart to Christ at Point Road Recently we concluded a four day conference... IRC News update for October 25, 2010 November 2, 2010 October 25, 2010 Preaching with Emmanuel Kittay of Gilgal Assembly in Durban, SA As many of you know we often... August 23, 2010 September 27, 2010 August 23, 2010 One of the primary aspects of our ministry is to "come along side" churches and ministries,... July 2010 News August 25, 2010 Rodney praying for the poor and oppressed in Kampala UgandaPsalms 23:5 (NASB)5 You prepare a table before me in... World Cup 2010 July 19, 2010 Holland - V - Slovakia We had a great time watching all the goings on of the World Cup. Rodney even... June IRC update July 19, 2010 June 21, 2010We have had a very fruitful time of ministry upon returning to South Africa from being in... Gifts of Love June 30, 2010 The Congolese brothers and sisters here in Etete were very blessed with the Proclaimer in Lingala, their mother language. A... Back in Africa May 25, 2010 We had a great time visiting our friends and family in the US. March 13th was our oldest son's... March 5, 2010 April 25, 2010 It has been a busy start to this year with our ministry work in Durban and the greater Natal... A call to action! March 4, 2010 February 25, 2009Pictured to the right is a typical advertisement for a witch doctor/spiritualist in the greater Durban area... Drakensberg Zulu Conference February 22, 2010 We have just returned home from three days of teaching in a rural Zulu community. This village is at... Pastor's Paul and Kumari Murugen of the Church of Philadelphia February 5, 2010 We've just finished doing a four night revival session in the Indian area of Durban called Phoenix. We were... Pastor John Mkhulise's Wedding January 22, 2010 January 5, 2009Between Christmas and the new year we had the privilege of sharing at the wedding of brother... Happy Birthday Trina December 30, 2009 December 19th was my birthday. Forty has mistakenly been called the "Over the Hill" age but I intend to live to be... 2009 Recap December 20, 2009 December 11, 2009Greetings to all our friends and family in Christ Jesus! We can hardly believe that 2009 is... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year December 20, 2009 We just wanted to send a note to remind you all of how much you are loved and... Pastor's Rogers and Cookie Narainasami in Phoenix, SA December 18, 2009 December 7, 2009 Ministering to the Indian community in South Africa is a small but important part of our work.... Tete November 29, 2009 The Saturday morning bible study in Tete is going very well. We are averaging around 15 people the majority... Entuthukwent Creche November 14, 2009 Meet the children at Entuthukwent Creche and Preschool. We spent a fun morning with Angel and her children. They... Bridget's 13th Birthday November 14, 2009 Bridget's 13th birthday was celebrated this weekend with a swim party. Last year we were visiting family in America... Democratic Republic of Congo November 12, 2009 November 2, 2009 Revelation 2:8-9 (NASB) 8 "And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write: The first and the... October 30, 2009 Rodney is home from Congo. The worship was lively and the Christians are on fire for the Lord. The... Time with my sister Letha October 22, 2009 It has been great to have my sister here with us these last three months. We had a... Crèches left stranded - Zululand Observer October 19, 2009 Here is the link to the story I have been telling you about the children in Monzi that we... I Survived Umphalosi October 13, 2009 How close have you been to an elephant, a hyena or a pride of lions? Is there such... Men's Retreat to Umfolozi October 9, 2009 I dropped Rodney off at Life 316 Church this morning for a fun filled weekend at the bush camp... September 26, 2009 September 26, 2009 We've just finished a great trip to many different areas of South Africa. What can we say... September 5, 2009 September 19, 2009 We've finished the first leg of our current trip in South Africa. Our first stop was in a remote...