Zimbabwe has become our second home on the continent of Africa. We love the Body of Christ in this nation and it serves as an unlikely hub for our ministry to the leaders of many other nations in Sub Saharan Africa. In 2015 we hosted leaders from Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Democratic Republic of Congo, Congo Brazzaville, Zambia and Uganda in Harare, Zimbabwe. It would not have been our natural choice, but it is very clear that it is the place the Lord wants us working with leaders! We have been there for more than 12 years and we have had the opportunity to get to know leaders and to what degree they can be trusted.
Last year we launched our first water well project (click here for more details) and some of the fruit of it is pictured above. While first and foremost, IRC Ministries is an equipping/training ministry, we do feel called to raise some funding for projects that will meet basic needs and alleviate some suffering in Zimbabwe. The following is a list of our current projects:
1) Water well servicing orphans in the Bendura area of Zimbabwe.($6000)
2) Used tractor and plowing implement for an undeveloped farm ($8000)
3) Bricks and plumbing for ministry housing in Zimbabwe ($4500)
4) Solar panel electricity system for multiple uses ($7000)
One of the challenges concerning projects in Africa is trust. We know the area and how the local businesses and systems work. Please pray into these different endeavors and ask us any questions you might have.