We have just returned from visiting several different parts of the Body of Christ in England. Our burden for this area dates back 15 years and is only at the infant stage of development. Part of the mission is helping to pioneer a new home based fellowship in East London. The leaders of this group have become spiritual children to us over the years and it is very exciting to be helping them fulfill their callings in a city with a challenging spiritual environment. Islam and Secular Humanism are two of the biggest hindrances to the work of the Lord in London. It will take persistence and a total dependence on the Holy Spirit to see this work succeed.
Beyond this we also work with an established fellowship, BFCI, in the city of Oxford Pastor Blesson and his wife, Grace, are exceptional friends who are already doing a wonderful work in this area.Every time we get to be together, there is a mutual blessing that helps us prepare for and look to the future with anticipation. We will support this man of God in every way possible as he has been prepared for very significant ministry in the UK at this time. The last leg of the trip was a prayer walk in the city of Leeds in Northern England. Many years ago I had a dream about this area and this trip marked the first of what will be many trips to the region. I am convinced that the Yorkshire area, with its population of roughly five million, will be the center of one of the most important moves of God that the modern Church will witness.
It is imperative that Christians look beyond the spiritual doldrums that have plagued the UK in recent times and begin to base their conclusions on what God is saying and doing today! The Church in the UK is on the verge of an advance that will give hope to Christians in many nations that presently see very little of the life of Jesus in their societies!