What value is there in a certificate? To some it is a simple encouragement to continue on but to others it is the only recognition of completion they will ever receive. This month we held a pastors conference in Duran with about 80 representatives from the Congolese refugee community. At the end of our one day seminar we passed out …
October 2017
Hello to all our friends and family around the world! Rodney is making me write a little as a part of the changes that we have made to our website, so here are a few recent highlights to help our family abroad keep informed: September ended with winds that took off some roofs in our area but praise God only …
Anelisa’s Smile
On one of our trips to Wellington we got to know a beautiful lady with a huge heart. Karmien Joubert helps underprivileged children explore and express the world around them through art. She loves every child she encounters. Anelisa is one of the children she works with at the education center weekly. Anelisa is an orphan living in one of several …
Kwa Mama Care Center
Last week several ladies got together to help our friend, Liezel Essop, paint a local creche.The Kwa Mama Care Center is situated in Shaka’s Head. At Kwa Mama they collect crumbs and create purpose on a daily basis. Child care is provided free of charge to any child who lives in Shaka’s Head. The center also provides opportunities for around 30 unemployed residents …